I was at Best Buy and saw the cover to this movie. Very cool and creative. Not something you see everyday. I like how the birds form the ambiguous parts of Sandra Bullocks' nose, while the branches and its leaves form her eyes.
Just saw this old school film with Charlton Heston. Feels very similar to The Planet of the Apes. Too bad there is a new adaptation of this with Will Smith titled I Am Legend. This film was great for its time.
Been always fond of this illustrators are style. Very western influenced. Never got to read it since i was too busy reading Dragonball, Slam Dunk, and Kochikame. Wasn't reading Rurouni Kenshin at the time. This manga is really long. Which means i have to start from the beginning since its in 5 or more generations.
I saw this book first at Tandemodus. Kelly Komp had it and thought it was an awesome book. I always see it at borders. Might want this for Christmas maybe, i don't know. But these three books are an inspiration for logos and logotype designs.
I haven't been a huge cat fan but recently i have since i've seen Lauren's Cat, Alex and Nikki's cat. I seem to like this type of cat, Grey Tabby. Audrey helped me clarify the type of cat that i was talking about. I just like their pattern and they seem like the friendlist type of cat out of all the other cats i've encountered with.
After living in Chicago for five years, i have never tasted such delicious burger than Patty's. I heard about the place first, then took my steps into the joint. The burger is so tasteful and fulfilling, the fries are in its perfect texture, and their milkshake is just delicious and worth the price.
Not mention i love the retro calender girl illustration of the girl who i assume is Patty.
Justin Siddons introduced me to this artist online. His works are just amazing. The fact that he has contributed so many designs in the apparel industry is just phenomenal. This guy is just...marvelous.
Not this particular color but i like this shoes a lot. Even if i've never owned a pair. My glimpse of this shoe would be my two pairs of Saucony's. Which are pretty damn close, but i'm assuming New Balance would be better. I want one. No idea what color though.
I go to this site about 50 times a day as source of my data and information. Its not always relevent and as reliable but has worked for me for about 80 percent of the time when i need to get an information quick.