Bought myself a plant today from a neighborhood shop ROSCOE BLOOMS. Nice little store with nice interiors and cool looking plants with containers.
It is weird to say what my reason is for buying a plant. As to what enlightened me to buy one. I guess its my way to taking care of something. Ideally it would be a dog. But a dog requires massive attention, dog walking, and paying for food. Right now isn't the perfect time to buy one, as if there ever is a perfect time. But i just needed or wanted more i guess, of a plant.
Use to have a lot of them back home in Philippines. As my mom loved plants. Especially in Elizabeth Pond. Back in Emerald Compound we only had a few. But i was always the one water them whenever i got home from school.
So its nice to have plant in the apartment. Just have to get used to figuring out the routine of watering it and cleaning it.
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